Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Hey, Can Somebody Help Me Please?"

Mom has been in the nursing home for over a month now. She's not happy about it. She is getting regular physical therapy and the staff are all quite fine people who care for her in the kindest way. But it is a nursing home and Mom just isn't into it. I don't blame her! We are working to get her home as soon as we can but getting over the hip fracture takes time. There is a man across the hall from her that serenades us every night with the same song, "hey can anybody help me please?" It has become an almost enjoyable experience to listen to his plea, repeated over and over again. It isn't that help is not forthcoming; it is simply that it isnt' what he has in mind. He says what Mom feels. She would like some magical help that would get her home and back to normal. I feel badly that it cannot happen as she wishes it. I'm also thinking that there is a purpose in her convalescence. We are becomming quite close and there is joy in serving her.

Over the past few week there are more that need help. Two of my good friends are both quite ill at the moment. "Can somebody help me please," rings in my ears. I want to help them but am not sure how. I think, for starters, I will give myself to them and see where I am led from there. For the next few weeks that we are here, I will spend time with them. Then, sometime soon, we will head back to Colorado to return Mom home for the summer. At least that is our plan for now.

The green hills of winter are gone now. So quickly, our hills have dried out and we are left with "California Golden". Our front yard is looking hopeful, with some new plants making every effort to live. I've planted California poppies all around and they are coming up in abundance. I love looking out on their perky orange blossoms. They seem to like it here.

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