Thursday, December 17, 2015


                                                     Treble Clef Singers, December 2015

Our Treble Clef singing group has been performing for almost three weeks now.  We sing at various senior centers all around the valley.  We are paid!  The money goes to charity.  So we are doing a double good:  our audiences love us no matter how we sing and the money helps others.  I suppose I should see our singing as service indeed.  Even though I never imagined I'd be singing with a group like this, I'm so happy to be experiencing it.  My average voice is even improving, I think.  Layne continues to be our token guy.  The girls in our group love him and so they make sure we include a song that uses his bass voice.  He sings Hallelujah this year again and sounds so good!  Three weeks is a long time to sing though.  Tomorrow ends our season and I'm glad of it.  At the end of our last performance Layne and I will prepare for a reunion with family for Christmas.  I think I'm ready!

We got the picture taken at our ward Christmas party back.  Here is the best one.

We had our last Addiction meetings last Sunday.  I'm sad and glad.  It is good to be done with that assignment, yet I'm mourning also as being with my support group women has been a huge blessing in my life. They are righteous women actively using the Atonement to deal with their sorrows, anger and grief.  I can see more clearly than ever that trouble can bring us to God in a very real way.  I have a fantasy wish that I can somehow avoid some of the adversity the world offers if I can come to Him in good times.  I'm working on that.  My ladies have shown me how in more detailed illustrations than I've experienced before.  Because they bear their souls, the Spirit of God floods our time together.  How I wish we could be so open in other settings.  I tend to hide myself away but am working on being more honest with myself and with God.  I'm going to miss these amazingly powerful associations.  So, for now, we are free of all assignments.  That will change in a few months but, for now, I feel light and able to pursue my own aspirations.  Yup, I have some.

Layne and I exchanged Christmas gifts this morning.  Early.  He gave me an apple watch.  I'm so excited about it!  This is the man who never wants to exchange gifts.  I pressed him into service after telling him that I did get him something.  When he tries, he can come up with amazing things!  I'm looking so forward to studying out just how to use this wonderful gift.

Here's a picture of our first snow.

Our days this week are filled with cloudy skies, and snow!  It isn't sticking much but is so lovely.  I'm enchanted by the change of seasons and all the changes it brings to the surrounding landscape.  We walked in the snow fall and loved it.  The ducks and geese chatter above us, headed in various directions, every morning that we walk.  The whole summary of winter nature is pleasure.  Well maybe not the driving!

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