Sunday, February 12, 2012

Health Ponderings

This is the time of year that I indulge in health issues.  I visit my collection of doctors to make sure my body is still working properly.  Last week I saw my GP.  I really like her; I feel that we are friends.  She was feeling rather scattered when I saw her.  We talked about a variety of things other than my state of health.  She took my vitals, told me to get another mammogram and a colonoscopy.  I enjoyed my visit with her but generally felt that nothing much came of it.  I fear that, with the coming dark cloud of Obamacare, we older kids will get less and less of the medical pie.  That comes at the time of life when more is usually needed.  Which leads me to conclude that I'd better take more responsibility for my own care.  So I'm thinking about looking after my own vital signs and foregoing the doctor altogether until there is some sign that something is actually wrong.  I'm also going to be careful about my diet and am already into a more vigorous exercise program.  I guess I'm beginning to feel medically abandoned.  Perhaps it is just the expectation of feeling so.

Layne and I are also talking about selling our country home.  Make no mistake, I love it here.  But it is expensive and takes lots of work to maintain.  We are thinking that we should get into a cheaper situation, with less work involved.  It makes me sad to think of it since we built this place to fit our dreams.  As I walk through the rooms, I feel so happy with the way it fits us.  On the other hand, we are adaptable beings.  I know I can adjust happily, once it is required of me.

Our local family met at our house last Sunday.  We celebrated February birthdays, had a Family Home Evening lesson, discussed family schedules and made family plans.  I love our proximity to three of our five families. Our location seems just right.  Lately I have felt a push to teach our grandchildren more keenly of family ties, gospel principles and patriotism.  Perhaps there is a little spirit of agitation in me at the moment.  Or something like that.

Layne promised to take me on weekly dates for my birthday.  I keep dreaming up things for us to do and have come up with quite a list.  This past Tuesday our date took us to Monterey to visit friends Howard and Sandra Burnham.  We met them while performing in Nutcracker.  Howard is a professional actor.  They are both from England and have the delightful accents that go along with that heritage.  On Tuesday Harold played Charles Dickins, in a one man show.  We went to see his performance.  We had a wonderful bond with them.  Once in awhile you meet people that warm your heart.  These two do that for us.  I hope that we can spend more time with them.

Here's a scene from Sunol Regional Park, where I've begun
hiking with Audrey and the kids.  I'm loving it.

Our February birthday boys, Vincent (in the hat)
and Timothy, who will be baptized soon.

Here is Reed,  Dorothy and family.  The two birthday boys are part of the group.
Dorothy went in for surgery yesterday to have her appendix removed.  She's
pretty smiley here for a pre-op condition!  
I'm grateful to have good people in my life.  In spite of all the struggles, people make life happy.  At least most of the time.

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