Sunday, October 25, 2015

Porning and Writing

It is nice to be in a routine.  It frees my mind to have the basics of living already decided.  We've needed free minds lately as we've been called upon to give multiple talks on pornography.  I believe we have the basic presentation effectively organized, after changing it multiple times.  I now have three talks, to various audiences, organized and ready.  Except that we are about to be released from our missionary assignment as Addiction Recovery Missionaries.  For awhile anyhow.  It seems that we will soon be involved in addiction programs for the whole Boise area in the not too distant future. So I'll keep those talks handy.

Besides pornography, I've become immersed in writing short family stories for our grandchildren.  The writing seems to come easier than figuring out what accompanying pictures I should include.  There just don't seem to be photos of what I'd like to illustrate.  So I've been photoshopping some and combining elements from several illustrations until they say what I want them to.  It is time consuming but fun.  But also not authentic.  Not the doctored pictures anyhow.  I'm hoping to accumulate quite a collection of stories to give the kids that, hopefully, they will read and save to share with their own children in time to come.  I am hoping that the stories will serve as a kind of family blanket, surrounding the kids and grandkids with family love through generations of living and dead family members.

I have a hard time finishing what I start, as, before I can finish one project I get an idea for another.  I begin that one so it doesn't escape me and then I get another idea.  And so it goes.  But I have FINISHED three stories and two books!  So far!  I'm so excited about FINISHING.

Here's the first book:  Layne's Dream (I suppose it isn't too hard to figure out that it is about flying airplanes).

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