Saturday, December 20, 2014

Almost Christmas

We've been home from California for almost 2 weeks now.  It has been a blur of activity as we worked to get Christmas in our home and attend various activities.  I sang with my singing group for the last week of our concert performances.  Tonight we have our final performance, for friends and family.  I'm finding that I really like singing.  More than before.  I am even thinking of taking a singing lesson or two.

Richard and Carol Cadle, friends from our Fremont days, spent some time with us.  It was so fun to be with people who know our children and something of our history.  I miss that about here.  But there are lots of great people here and we are finding it pretty easy to make friends.

                                                          Richard and Carol Cadle.

                                                         Layne in Dick's crazy hat.

I really wanted to make a trip to Salt Lake before Christmas, to see our siblings and to see the Salt Lake Temple lights.  Layne was not enthused.  But I talked it up enough that he finally went along and we made a 48 hour road trip there this week.  We spent time with my sister Maryanne and hub Bob as well as Layne's twin brother Lynn and wife Camille.  I love being with family.  Bob and Maryanne took us to temple square to see the lights.  I never imagined that so many people could crowd onto the temple grounds.  It seemed like half of Salt Lake was taking in the lights!  But we pressed our way through the crowd and managed to see some pretty amazing lighting.  I loved it.  All except for the people.  Actually I like people, just not so many in one place.  On the night we chose to go.

We had a sweet time with Bob and Mar, then went to lunch with Lynn and Camille.  We loved being with them too.  I feel quite strongly that we need to spend more time with our Salt Lake family.  I'd love to drive there and spend a week or so just reconnecting with family and the many friends that have moved there over the years.  Maybe I can talk Layne into it.  Sometime.

I am more excited about Christmas this year since daughter Jessica and her family are coming.  Audrey and family will follow later in the week.  Family. Here.  At Christmas.  How could it be any better than that?

                                                               Temple Square lights.

                                                   Maryanne and me on Temple Square.

                                       Bob and Maryanne, with Layne in the background.

                                                                Lynn and Camille

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