Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snow and Not

While our Gendreau grandchildren were here, they wished and wished for a snowstorm. While the snow did stay on the ground, nothing from heaven fell during their visit. Earlier this week however we awoke to a heavy layer of new snow. What a treat to the eyes to see white in every direction; even the sky was white.  All of that white lit up the outside and I found it cheering.  Perhaps it is because I'm a California girl and not used to such things.  So far, I love this winter!

It is strange to say that, in spite of a very white beginning to this week, the temperature has been rising and today it is raining.  The rain is washing away the snow and outside now looks brown instead of white.  I don't like it nearly as well.

Our driveway last Monday morning.  You can see Layne at the end of the driveway, shoveling.

                                Here's a view of the front yard on Monday morning.

       Here is our front yard today; the rain has washed away most of the snow.  I miss it.

It has been a lovely week, full of plans for organizing anew the things around here.  There is something about sorting and arranging things that makes me happy.  I love the feeling of having things "just right".  Not that I've achieved that as of yet, but I'm working on it and enjoying the process.  There are interruptions to my organizing world however.  There are other things to be done and I have to pull myself away from my orderly efforts.  Friend Phyllis Salsedo has finally accomplished her plans to move here.  She is here and has been in need of time and attention.  She is once again a reminder that, in the people versus stuff battle of life, people are supposed to win.  So I have spent quite a bit of time with her during the week.  I've enjoyed that too.

I attended a free class this week on energy and how to control it in our bodies.  Hum.  I don't really know quite what to think of it.  I guess there is something to some of it but, like a lot of things people come up with, I think some of it is imaginative.  I discussed it with Layne.  With a snort he declared all of it as bunk.  No mincing of words in his world.  So I guess I won't sign up for the class.  I wasn't going to anyhow.

This coming week we fly to California to babysit for son Ben and Jessica for a week.  There are seven very active children in that household.  I hope we are up to it.

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