Life forms of all sorts wander throughout my small space. Last week it was grandchildren. Each morning we greet deer, turkeys, our assortment of cats and other creatures. I spent Monday of last week cleaning up after our adventure with Ben and Jessica's children. We had such fun, but a day of reckoning almost always follows. I cleaned and washed as fast as I could on that Monday because Gerald, Frances and kids arrived that same evening. I was ready for them, just barely. We had a short but sweet couple of days with them, including a custom-made Easter Egg Hunt for Seth and Angelica, designed and carried out by Isaiah and Allegra. We slept once again on our wall bed. There is nothing like giving one's bedroom away to notice the length of a visit. It changes our world, but not in a bad way. The kids left on Wednesday and, happily, arrived in Taiwan in good shape.
"I'm so tired," Mom said with increasing frequency throughout the week. She began to have trouble breathing and was coughing up blood when we decided that she should go to the hospital. Layne and Cliff took her on Friday and discovered that she has pneumonia! It is often so hard to tell when a condition is serious. At least it is for us. Mom is now stabilized and it looks like she'll be fine. She's on antibiotics and had her left lung drained of fluid. So as of today she is resting somewhat comfortably. It is an up and down
While Layne and Cliff were taking care of Mom, I was experiencing an "isotope study" at the doctor's office. It was done to look at my arteries to see if there is any plaque build-up. I've been looking forward to doing this as I really, really want to know what is going on with my body. Should I be worried, or not? The technicians were impressed with my 68 year old body. That made me feel quite hopeful. But the real skinny comes when I meet with the cardiologist next month.
We celebrated Easter with Audrey and family and Ben and family. It was a sweet time. We discussed the Atonement with the kids. They really seemed to understand it quite well. Lately I've been studying the New Testament and the Atonement and feel a much deeper appreciation for the Savior. This study is, for me, often an infusion of insight, awe and love.
The best use of time continues to be a challenge for me. I have
Pictures: top is son Gerald eating the waffles that his babes ordered for breakfast. Next are Gerald and Frances' children, Seth and Angelica during their Easter Egg hunt in our back yard. Bottom shows me with friends Frank and Sharon Heiss, who came to dinner during their visit to California.