"That's cold," Mom commented as I sprayed the back of her hair with water in an effort to redirect her curls. It was Sunday and I was attempting to provide a lovely hair style for her. "It's the price you pay for beauty," I told her. "What if I pay the price but don't get the beauty," she quickly responded. Sometimes, in her now quiet manner, she surprises me with her insight and wit. She charmed our visiting temple friends, the Larsons, today with her warmth and friendliness. She is a lovely lady.
This past week has been full of people. We spent Monday with son Ben and family. Tuesday I went to Brentwood to help daughter-in-law Dorothy. You can see the latest version of new grandson Bruce in this snapshot. Wednesday was Temple service. Thursday I visited some of my Church ladies and Friday we spent most of the day celebrating our neighbor Beverly's birthday. Saturday we watched grandson Vincent perform and today has been full of fun with friends Nikki and Brooks Larson. Wow, what a week. I've hardly had time to do anything at home. I can claim to have gotten the wash done. That's all! B
It's been cold and wet here. I like it. I love the soggy sights outside our windows and the view of snow covering our hills. Perhaps you can spot the snow in the picture out our front window. The few flowers that we have are starting to bloom. The five cats are getting along. What's not to love.