Wow, doesn't the time pass quickly? That's my excuse for not writing. My days are chuck full, especially now that mom is here. She is so sweet and patient. She has a dynamite therapist that won't let her slough in any way. He told her she has the muscle tone to walk and, in spite of all, SHE WILL! So he has been working with her and, what do you know, she is walking! It is halting and requires assistance, but she is on her feet and moving. It is a joy! She feels quite proud of herself.
Several mornings ago, as I was helping mom get up, she said to me, "You'll think I'm crazy, but Dad visited me last night. He cuddled with me all night." "How do you know it was him?" I asked her. "He cuddled me in his usual way", she said. It was a sweet moment and there is not a doubt in my mind that it happened. I feel sure that Daddy looks out for her on a regular basis.
Carmen's cancer is not gone, as far as we know. She has had one radiation treatment and one chemo treatment, so far. She seems to be hanging in and is a happy little girl. We have struggled to determine where to put our faith. Does the Lord want Carmen back, or can she be healed and stay with us? I think we are going to invest in healing. So we are putting our faith in that. We will see where that takes us.
Our Christmas decorations are up and we are almost ready for Christmas, I think. It has sneaked up on us so I feel a bit out of control. Actually, I feel out of control generally. All of our family will be here this Christmas, except Ger and Fran. I'm excited to have us all together. It would be perfect with our Taiwanese bunch.
Ben and Jes are all moved into their new home in Palo Alto. We are excited to have them near to us. Ben has started a new job with Mozilla. He's excited. Times are busy but with good things.
The picture at the top is mom walking with her therapist, Jim.